List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Skill Test Based on Online Test conducted on 05/09/2024 for the Position of Junior Firemen Grade II
List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Personal Interview Based On Online Test Conducted on 05/08/2024 for the Position of Management Trainee (Mechanical)
List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Personal Interview Based On Online Test Conducted on 05/08/2024 for the Position of Management Trainee (Industrial Engineering)
Advertisement for the Post of Assistant Officer (Finance) E0 Grade
Commencement of Download of Call Letters by Candidates for the Post of NURSE GR.II
Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for the Pre-Employment Medical Check-up with reference to the Position of Management Trainee (Civil) Advertisement No.:01062024
Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for the Pre-Employment Medical Check-up with reference to the Position of Management Trainee (Fire) Advertisement No.:01062024
List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted Candidate for the Pre-Employment Medical Check-up with reference to the Position of Management Trainee (CC Lab)
List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Personal Interview Based On Online Test Conducted on 05/08/2024 for the Position of Management Trainee (Chemical)
List of Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Personal Interview Based On Online Test Conducted on 05/08/2024 for the Position of Management Trainee (CC Lab)
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